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The health and safety of individuals is CERT’s number one concern in a disaster. Non-medical CERT-trained volunteers have been taught how to tend to urgent needs such as bleeding wounds; punctures and impalements; broken bones; shock; and burns, until trained professionals can assist. But assistance from first responders may take hours or even days.
READY Fest '23
Enjoy images from Naples READY Fest, the community's first ever Emergency Preparedness Fair. The event was presented by LB CERT-Naples Team in partnership with the Naples Improvement Association and LB CERT.
Following a disaster such as a major earthquake…
do you have “Emergency Response Buddies” who will
check on you? • Check on your pets? • Check on your home?
Make sure there are no gas leaks?
In collaboration with the city and the LBFD, and following FEMA guidelines,
Naples has a community-based emergency response plan
that will mobilize residents, employees and visitors to serve as first responders
until professional responders, such as LBFD, can make it to the island.
Island-wide Communication in Concert with City Partners
Light Search and Rescue • Fire Suppression • Medical Care
Child, Senior and Special Needs Care • Emotional Care
Pet Care • Assisting Island Visitors • Coordinated Evacuation
Water Rescue and Ferrying On/Off the Island

As part of THE PLAN, the islands are divided into six "DIVISIONS."
Each Division is subdivided into "BLOCKS."
And each Block has a "BLOCK CAPTAIN."
To find your Block Captain, start by identifying your
Division and Block on the map below,
then check the Block Captain Directory.

CERT = Community Emergency Response Team
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