CERT Starts With "Community"

LB CERT-Naples is a team of volunteers dedicated to championing Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Management on Naples Island. In the event of a large-scale incident, such as a massive earthquake or devastating tsunami, the team of islanders will mobilize residents, employees and visitors to serve as first responders until professional responders are on the scene.
Priorities will include:
• Coordinated Communications
- Across the Island
- Directly with City and Professional Responders
• Light Search and Rescue
• Fire Suppression
• Medical Care
• Pet Care
• Child, Senior and Special Needs Care
• Emotional Care
• Assisting Island Visitors
• Coordinated Evacuation
• Water Rescue and Ferrying on/off the Island
LB C.E.R.T.-Naples is shorthand for:
Long Beach Community Emergency Response Team - Naples Chapter
C.E.R.T. is a national program of FEMA administered by local municipalities. In Long Beach, the C.E.R.T. program is spearheaded by the Fire Department. Dedicated LBFD staff train community volunteers to become “first responders” during the time between a catastrophic event and the arrival of professional emergency responders.
In Long Beach we have 1 firefighter per 5,000 residents. If a strong earthquake hits the city, the resulting structural and medical crises will overwhelm emergency response systems. It could takes days for emergency responders to get to the island. LBFD recommends that residents prepare to be on their own for 3 - 7 days. This means having ample items such as water, food, medical and pet supplies; as well as having trained volunteers who help extinguish small fires, tend to the injured, and provide a central point of communication to the city. In 2018, the NIA, in collaboration with LB CERT, proactively stepped up to develop a comprehensive plan that will be widely distributed and rehearsed. It’s all about directing, educating and empowering.
Many LB CERT-Naples volunteers have graduated from the city’s official CERT training.